
分布式锁之 Apache Curator InterProcessReadWriteLock

分布式锁之 Apache Curator InterProcessReadWriteLock

在上一篇文章 分布式锁之 Apache Curator InterProcessMutex 中介绍了基于 ZooKeeper 实现的互斥锁。除此之外,还可以实现读写锁。这篇文章就来简要介绍一下 InterProcessReadWriteLock 的实现原理。 老规矩,先看看类的注释: /** * <p> * A re-entrant read/write mutex that works across JVMs. Uses Zookeeper to hold the lock. All processes * in all JVMs that use the same lock path will achieve an inter-process critical section. Further, this mutex is * "fair" - each user will get the mutex in the order requested (from ZK's point of view). * </p> * * <p> * A read write lock maintains a pair of associated locks, one for read-only operations and one * for writing. The read lock may be held simultaneously by multiple reader processes, so long as * there are no writers. The write lock is exclusive. * </p> * * <p> * <b>Reentrancy</b><br> * This lock allows both readers and writers to reacquire read or write locks in the style of a * re-entrant lock. Non-re-entrant readers are not allowed until all write locks held by the * writing thread/process have been released. Additionally, a writer can acquire the read lock, but not * vice-versa. If a reader tries to acquire the write lock it will never succeed.<br><br> * * <b>Lock downgrading</b><br> * Re-entrancy also allows downgrading from the write lock to a read lock, by acquiring the write * lock, then the read lock and then releasing the write lock. However, upgrading from a read * lock to the write lock is not possible. * </p> */ public class InterProcessReadWriteLock {
分布式锁之 Apache Curator InterProcessMutex

分布式锁之 Apache Curator InterProcessMutex

对分布式锁耳熟能详。不过,一直关注的是基于 Redis 实现的分布式锁。知道 ZooKeeper 也可以实现分布式锁。但是,原来的想法是把 Redis 那个思路切换到 ZooKeeper 上来实现就好。今天了解到 Apache Curator 内置了分布式锁的实现: InterProcessMutex。查看了一下源码实现,发现跟基于 Redis 实现的源码相比,在思路上还是有很大不同的。所以,特别作文记录一下。 先来看一下,整体流程: 结合流程图和源码,加锁的过程是这样的: 先判断本地是否有锁数据,如果有则对锁定次数自增一下,然后返回 true; 如果没有锁数据,则尝试获取锁: 在指定路径下创建临时顺序节点 获取指定路径下,所有节点,检查自身是否是序号最小的节点: 如果自身序号最小,则获得锁;否则 如果自身不是序号最小的节点,则通过 while 自旋 + wait(times) 不断尝试获取锁,直到成功。 获得锁后,把锁信息缓存在本地 ConcurrentMap<Thread, LockData> threadData 变量中,方便计算重入。 在 ZooKeeper 中的结构大致如下: 下面我们逐个方法进行分析说明。先来看一下 InterProcessMutex 的注释: /** * A re-entrant mutex that works across JVMs. Uses Zookeeper to hold the lock. All processes in all JVMs that * use the same lock path will achieve an inter-process critical section. Further, this mutex is * "fair" - each user will get the mutex in the order requested (from ZK's point of view) */ public class InterProcessMutex implements InterProcessLock, Revocable<InterProcessMutex>